Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas Approacheth

As evidenced by my lack of blogging. Because I'm being starved of illicit internet pleasures while at work, I have to do everything at home . And when I'm at home, I'm busy getting ready for Christmas. Every spare minute is being spent shopping for presents, wrapping presents, constructing presents or shopping for the ingredients to construct said presents. Add an infuriatingly close to being finished client project into the mix and it doesn't leave much actual leisure time.

Anyway I've got all of the shopping done, 75% of the cooking done and about 2% of the wrapping done. Luckily I still have one day off work between now and Friday, which is by when everything has to be done.

Meh.... when will it start feeling like Christmas, instead of a chore?

I need some carols.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


I got caught.

My employer has embarked on a war on internets. This means that my long-time (3 years) habit of having several different forums open, which I read (and sometimes post on) in between calls, was discovered. My team manager has an Excel spreadsheet of every single freaking link I've followed (some of which could be misconstrued, and were, in horrible ways) for the last few days. EEK. I was told in no uncertain terms to shut them down and never view them again.


It's not fair. The posting on forums, yeah, I can see that's a no-no. But what about just reading them? What's the difference between that, and reading a magazine - which many other people do, when it's not busy.

To be fair to them though, I was abusing the company internet policy, (there were a few times there when I was actually taking time out of the call queues to read my beloved Freshdisko) and the thankfully unofficial reprimand was therefore reasonably justified.

Chickens. Roosted.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Yup, that was fun.

That is all. :D

Friday, December 02, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

So far, everything is going more or less according to schedule.

I got a gorgeous pair of earrings from njc, plus a bristlenose catfish and two honey gouramis to go into my fishtank.

Mum and Dad sent me some flowers (also gorgeous), and $50 in a card, which will pay for my dinner tonight. And my Nanna sent me a cheque, so I was sure to ring her and say thank you. She's 82 and an absolute legend.

I bought myself the 2006 Ministry of Sound Annual, half of which was paid for by a Sanity gift card that I got given by Vodafone (gotta love it when customers ask to speak to your manager to tell them that you rock).

Oh and I should mention the cake, which tastes like a little bit of chocolate and raspberry ganache heaven.