Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bangers and Mash

I've finally recorded one half of my second CD, "Bangers & Mash".

Here is Mash, you can download it for free if you can spare the time and hard drive space for 80 MB.

Apparently "male vocals makes baby jesus cry" but I think that's only for guys with doubts about their sexuality.

Bangers is still unrecorded (and it's proving to be a right bastard, I might add, mixing three tunes simultaneously is no mean feat) but with luck and a fair breeze it might happen this week.


I was interviewed this evening by a journo from the Mockery - she's doing a piece on female DJs around Hobart - all five of us - it'll be interesting to see how much of my feminist soapbox rantings (should she choose to include them) she manages to turn into something vaguely readable. Maybe it'll even get a few more punters along to my gigs, which can only be a good thing.

In other news, I think my foot is growing a bunion. (That's bunion, I do wash regularly enough that vegetables have trouble sprouting from my extremities.) I have a very sore and swollen lump just above the arch of my right foot. Can you grow bunions on things other than toes? Who knows, it hurts but. Maybe it's arthritis. Hurrah. I thought maybe that was something I could look forward to in a couple of decades. :/

3 x 2c:

Anonymous Anonymous babbled...

Well I like it and I also like shivers so nyah.

More posts ftw!

btw, my sekrit code I had to enter was "rxwyoks"

omfg that rxwyoks dude!!! haha

9:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous babbled...

Bunions not ftw :(

and i liked mash too!

lol my code was inlbobo.

in a sentence. "Gee jim don't be such an inlbobo!" ;p

7:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous babbled...

ok so I scroll down a little and nice work on the article!

Nice work too on the cd. Tristan approves also!

10:02 pm  

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