Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Job Interviews Suck

But, I've got about a 50-50 chance of getting the thing and it's worth $3K a year more. It's for the position of Subject Matter Expert (abbreviated to SME...hehe... <Red Dwarf>"Sir, you're a SHMEEEEEEEE...."</Red Dwarf>")

It's the next step up from what I am now, Customer Experience Executive (another wanky title! :D) and one below Team Manager.

Basically I still take calls for 80% of the time, and the rest of the time is spent taking escalated calls from other reps and generally being the Team Managers' dogsbody I mean relief when they're busy. You get to work on other little projects and things and go on secondment to other areas of the business so it's not all bad.

I'm a little bit ambivalent about it though because I wouldn't be as much of a little call centre automaton. I might actually have to start using my brain at work, oh noes. No more turning up with a hangover. (Not that I've done that more than once, er, twice.)

Actually the main thing I'm worried about is the possibility that I'd get moved into the Customer Care department instead of 123. Care only opens Mon-Fri 8am to 6.30pm, so there would go all my late and weekend loadings. Which even with the raise in base salary would still mean I would earn about $5K less a year, which would be very bad0r. Can't say that in the interview though, because otherwise I'd be seen to be "inflexible" and "resistant to change". Change, in and of itself, I have no problem with. I do have a problem with a downward change in my fortnightly pay however, and it would be unfair of them to think that I shouldn't.

But we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.
It might be irrelevant, I may have completely muffed the interview today anyway. There were role plays, urk.

Meanwhile I'm trying to decided whether or not to keep my blog here or move to Livejournal, where my brother and a couple of other friends have theirs. I quite like Blogger, but I'm wondering if Livejournal has enough extra features (mood icons!) to make it worth the effort to move everything and start fresh, because I'm as sure as Hell not running two - I neglect this one enough as it is. Hmmm.
Maybe I'll start up the Livejournal one and see how much I can customise it, and then decide...

1 x 2c:

Anonymous Anonymous babbled...

so how did it go then?

and yes, come to livejournal! :p

11:41 am  

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