Friday, March 31, 2006

Photogenic I am not

Hate hate hate.

I need to e-mail a photo to the journo for this article in the Mockery.
We have filled up the memory card on our camera twice already with complete rubbish. Every photo njc takes, I look (in varying degrees and combinations) stoned, stunned, fat, surprised, double-chinned, retarded, buck-toothed, tired, smirking, sulking, squinting...

I don't even expect to look particularly attractive in photos, but why the hell can't I just look normal?It's a recurring problem. It happens every time, no matter what the situation, or who takes the photo.

I'm not imagining it either, it's not the regular female paranoia. njc is cringing right along with me, and that just makes me feel even uglier. It's enough to make me want to give up and learn to live with a paper bag on my head. He assures me that I don't actually look like that, really.

I find that very hard to believe.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bangers and Mash

I've finally recorded one half of my second CD, "Bangers & Mash".

Here is Mash, you can download it for free if you can spare the time and hard drive space for 80 MB.

Apparently "male vocals makes baby jesus cry" but I think that's only for guys with doubts about their sexuality.

Bangers is still unrecorded (and it's proving to be a right bastard, I might add, mixing three tunes simultaneously is no mean feat) but with luck and a fair breeze it might happen this week.


I was interviewed this evening by a journo from the Mockery - she's doing a piece on female DJs around Hobart - all five of us - it'll be interesting to see how much of my feminist soapbox rantings (should she choose to include them) she manages to turn into something vaguely readable. Maybe it'll even get a few more punters along to my gigs, which can only be a good thing.

In other news, I think my foot is growing a bunion. (That's bunion, I do wash regularly enough that vegetables have trouble sprouting from my extremities.) I have a very sore and swollen lump just above the arch of my right foot. Can you grow bunions on things other than toes? Who knows, it hurts but. Maybe it's arthritis. Hurrah. I thought maybe that was something I could look forward to in a couple of decades. :/

Thursday, March 09, 2006

It was good. Belated wrap-up.

Here are some photos. Unfortunately these aren't ones that I took. The ones that I took turned out either stupidly blurry or kinda average. These awesome ones were taken by a dude from TranceAddict. This particular experience has made me want to learn how to get the most out of my camera...

Armin played more tech than I was expecting. It was still a great set, but not up there with the mind-blowing uplifting stuff of 2003.
Techno is taking over the world. :(

Markus Shulz was a pleasant surprise.

Kai Tracid was a disappointment - a LOT of really old stuff. Nothing wrong with the tracks, but a bit... I dunno. Flat. Reminded me of what I was playing 3 or 4 years ago. We didn't bother staying to the end. We went back to our swanky hotel.

The rest of the trip was great. Shopping, eating, catching up with friends, trashy lolling about on Sunday (although not nearly as trashy as I was hoping for, but probably much better for the brinz).

We went to the Melbourne Aquarium and saw a 7-metre long Giant Squid (the only complete specimen in the world, apparently) peering out from an equally giant ice cube. Its eyeball is as big as my head. I used to have nightmares about being attacked by a Giant Squid, where its suckers would stick to my face, over my nose and mouth and suffocate me.
I can't and never could knowingly eat octopus, because of the suckers on the tentacles. Urgghh.
Calamari though, yummm.

Which segues nicely into the meal we had at Claypots. For $76, we ate garlic prawns, served in a little wok thingy with hot oil and wedges of bread (these prawns were not prawns, actually, they were baby lobsters, I swear, they were each the size of banana) and chilli crabs, which almost required an engineering degree to extract the meat. Brute force (read: nutcracker) won in the end. Possibly one of the messiest but equally fun and delicious meals I can remember. And I couldn't even buy that amount of quality seafood for that price in Tasmania, let alone have it cooked and served up to me. Five stars.

Reasons for moving to Melbourne - current tally: 11
Reasons for staying in Tassie - current tally: 5