Wednesday, November 30, 2005

2 sleeps to go!

Until my birfday. Not that I'm counting, no, not me!

I can't wait.
My planned schedule is:

Wake up. Realise that I don't have to go to work for 5 days and go Wheee!!
Have njc make me coffee. (Not that this is different from any other morning)
Maybe be given a small present? ;) I've already had my birthday present early so I'm not expecting anything much at all. I'd be happy with birthday cake and flowers...
Mooch about at home, get organised for going out.
Go eat at the all-you-can-eat seafood buffet at the Grand Chancellor.
Move up to Hadleys and drink $10 cocktails with Pie and Jimmy (who will have had a head start at a hens- and bucks-night respectively)
Stagger down to Syrup and party until the Wheee! hours at the Ministry of Sound Annual Tour.
Kick on to our place. Pie has been implying that there will be Pina Coladas. Mmmmmm.....

*happy dance*

Friday, November 25, 2005

Cute pussycatnessnessness

Meet Radagast. Isn't he gorgeous? We've had him for about 6 months now and he's completely insane. I have the chewed toes and paranoid twitching every time he jumps up on furniture to prove it. Love him to bits.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I'm selling my first ever bit of DJing kit on eBay. I've upgraded to a Pioneer CMX3000 and DJM3000, so this little baby is just sitting around gathering dust.

It's a bit sad, really... it served me very well for about 3 years, before I stopped leeching music off the internet and switched to using records. The irony is, that with the recent proliferation of legal digital download sites - selling music that I want to play, whatsmore - it's now possible and preferable for me to switch back to using CDs.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Not much.

Just checking in - still here, still alive.

It's our 1st wedding anniversary tomorrow...awwww. :) So swanky hotel stays and gourmet dinners ahoy tomorrow night. I wonder if our room will have pay tv?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Eh? I don't get it.

I'd just like to say I FUCKING HATE talking to people who have had too much crystal meth. FFS, if you're going to take drugs, don't take the ones that send you stark raving bonkers. How is becoming an angry, anti-social, unreasonable and irrational psychopath fun?

Fucking losers. grumpy face

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


When Pie said that Mummaluka's Top Deck chocolate pudding thingy thing was good, well OMG, she wasn't joking. Phwoar. I can't move.

Probably a good thing, otherwise I would have been encouraging and/or endorsing and definitely participating in the consumption of vast quantities of alcohol and God knows whatever else on a Wednesday night and woken up tomorrow, face down in a pool of debauchery.


It's my birthday in 3 and a bit weeks, and I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Still alive.

Not much going on. Had my Mum hanging out with me this afternoon/evening while Dad was off at some junket.

Meanwhile, fat has been declared an official taste. No, really!

"Until now, it was thought we could only experience five tastes - sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami, which is the savoury flavour found in mature cheeses. [I'd never even heard of this one before - had you? Who came up with that name anyway? "umami"...yeah, it sounds like something you'd say with a mouthful of particularly pungent Gorgonzola....]

But now fat has been added to the list of tastes picked up on our tongues.

Researchers from the University of Burgundy in France describe a protein on the tip of our taste buds that makes us crave fat."

Suddenly it all becomes clear. Sugar + Fat = Mmmmm. This is why chocolate is a perfect food.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Suck my balls, Aurora.

They've [Aurora - the Tasmanian electricity provider] been doing some sort of work in the area where the call centre is, so every 10 minutes or so, our power has been cycling on and off from the mains to our generator, making our PCs reset every time. Right in the middle of a call.

"Yes sir, that number is 9876....fuck."

I can't decide who is more incompetent, my employing company or the power company. Bah, they're both utility companies, therefore they're both arseclowns.

This day just keeps getting better and better.

At least Rachel the Pharmacist (a colleague) had some Nurofen.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Makybe Diva galloped into history and won the Melbourne Cup for the third time in a row today.

And we had $30 ($15 for the win, $15 for a place) on her, plus another $30 on the horse that came 3rd - Xcellent - after a customer gave me a hot tip. So we made $120 in pure profit! I'm pretty stoked, I've never won anything more than a $2 Scratchie.

I can really understand how gambling can become addictive. Good thing the Melbourne Cup only comes around once a year.