Sunday, July 30, 2006


I've started a Liejournal. I really like Blogger, it's easy to re-style and add extra links and stuff, but there's a lot of stuff it can't do that Livejournal can. I like the community feel that Livejournal has, and the fact that I can make some of my entries private or viewable only by friends.

So I'll do both for a bit. This one may end up going dormant except for the odd ramble.

More here:

Saturday, July 29, 2006

No Gnus is Good Gnus

Stil no gnus er, news, on the uni job. I don't think I'll hear anything now, it's more than a week after their contact said they hoped to be doing interviews. Oh well.


It's frustrating when you know how well suited to the job you would be, and the skills they say they want are exactly the ones you've got, and more.

My pessimistic side suspects there is some anti-call centre experience snobbery at play. It's a reasonably prevalent attitude that call centre representatives are somehow mentally deficient. I agree there's quite a few that live up to that stereotype, hell, I work with enough of them. But I don't go round thinking that all people who work in retail are disinterested bimbos either.
</sour grapes>

Meanwhile, it's a certain someone's 30th birthday this Thursday and I still haven't got him a present. I have a couple of things in mind but I won't be able to get them until Friday, partly due to the need for payday to swing round and partly because I'm working 9 - 5 all week and can't get in to town. Poor Planning Produces Pain. :/

However, I expect to see as many people as possible at Hadley's on Saturday, for pre-Lala celebratory birthday cocktails. Or there'll be trouble.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

One door closes....

Well no, I didn't get the job. I didn't mind initially, but then they publicised the list of successful applicants.


Rock beats scissors.
Bragging incompetence beats accomplished timidity.

I got some excellent feedback from the interviewers though, which will help me in my next quest...

There's a really interesting looking Student Adviser position going at the Uni. The pay is more than what I'm on now even with weekend loadings, regular hours, amazing (like, 17%) superannuation... and best yet, the campus is just down the road. If I walk to work most days, not only will I get fit from walking back up Lynton Avenue, which is almost steep enough to require a ladder, but I'll save at least $80 a month on petrol.

But I have to finish writing the application first. How on earth do you demonstrate "an understanding of the University environment" in writing? I was a student once, does that count??

Back to it then, it closes tomorrow. Eek.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Job Interviews Suck

But, I've got about a 50-50 chance of getting the thing and it's worth $3K a year more. It's for the position of Subject Matter Expert (abbreviated to SME...hehe... <Red Dwarf>"Sir, you're a SHMEEEEEEEE...."</Red Dwarf>")

It's the next step up from what I am now, Customer Experience Executive (another wanky title! :D) and one below Team Manager.

Basically I still take calls for 80% of the time, and the rest of the time is spent taking escalated calls from other reps and generally being the Team Managers' dogsbody I mean relief when they're busy. You get to work on other little projects and things and go on secondment to other areas of the business so it's not all bad.

I'm a little bit ambivalent about it though because I wouldn't be as much of a little call centre automaton. I might actually have to start using my brain at work, oh noes. No more turning up with a hangover. (Not that I've done that more than once, er, twice.)

Actually the main thing I'm worried about is the possibility that I'd get moved into the Customer Care department instead of 123. Care only opens Mon-Fri 8am to 6.30pm, so there would go all my late and weekend loadings. Which even with the raise in base salary would still mean I would earn about $5K less a year, which would be very bad0r. Can't say that in the interview though, because otherwise I'd be seen to be "inflexible" and "resistant to change". Change, in and of itself, I have no problem with. I do have a problem with a downward change in my fortnightly pay however, and it would be unfair of them to think that I shouldn't.

But we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.
It might be irrelevant, I may have completely muffed the interview today anyway. There were role plays, urk.

Meanwhile I'm trying to decided whether or not to keep my blog here or move to Livejournal, where my brother and a couple of other friends have theirs. I quite like Blogger, but I'm wondering if Livejournal has enough extra features (mood icons!) to make it worth the effort to move everything and start fresh, because I'm as sure as Hell not running two - I neglect this one enough as it is. Hmmm.
Maybe I'll start up the Livejournal one and see how much I can customise it, and then decide...

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Look Out!

liv is a radioactive squirrel!!



Friday, June 02, 2006

Let's Play Musical Symptoms

I've had the sore throat,
Next came nose-running +100,
Followed by crackly ears and partial deafness,
Now I've got chesty congestionisationess and a pain in my lungs somewhere between my right shoulder and my right collarbone which feels like it could be anything from a muscle cramp to a tumour.

Arnold in Kindergarten Cop

Is NOT a toom-muh.

I have 24 hours before I have to have my ears and lungs and nose back into shape to go play at Lala.

Garlic: Check
Vitamin C: Check
Warm blanky and hot lemon drinks: Check. <insert: whine; style="Eeennnnjaaaayyyceeeeee... woooould yoouu make me some hot lemon, pleeeeeease?">
Generic cold and flu drugs: Check

Pink pills have to make you feel better.

Meanwhile rumours have surfaced that Eddie Halliwell is playing at Godskitchen (Melbourne) again this year. YAY!!!

...sigh.... why THIS year? We've only just got over the incredible drain on the finances that was Two Tribes.

Maybe we could go and NOT go spastic.


I've got 4 months to save. Time to become a hermit again!

Thursday, June 01, 2006


The first day of winter brings the first cold of the season.

What possible purpose could there be for several litres of nasal mucus?

Can I use it for anything?

Could I sell it?

Does it make me more attractive?


I'm eating a whole stick of garlic bread in protest. Take that, microbes!