Friday, October 28, 2005

So far so good...

Day 2.5 being nicotine-free for njc. No cravings? Pfft. But he's holding out.
Be strong, my darling!

Day 4 for me on the PSMF Best results I've had in a looong time.

Also coping OK with going back to 8.5 hour shifts. It doesn't suck too much, although getting home at 1 AM and the resulting late rising the next is playing havoc with our body clocks. This would be great if we were planning an overseas trip - would certainly help with the jetlag - however I think it's a bit rich that I'm wide awake at 4 AM in my own house.

3 x 2c:

Anonymous Anonymous babbled...

I tried to post in your other (btw fix the link) but your blog discriminates against me coz my blog is of different race! :(

Annnnyway, I can't believe what you're eating! I'd be passed out by lunch if I ate so little. And then I'd revive myself with a big bowl of mashed potato or bread&butter - I looove my carbs. What I'm trying to say is, you're obviously very determined, hope it all goes well! :)

9:47 am  
Anonymous Anonymous babbled...

Eat some techno, it is the source of the worlds salvation!

12:49 pm  
Blogger liv babbled...

Thanks Bec :)

Looks like I'll have to change some settings over there so you can post as you.

I've fixed the link... that's what I get for not testing things!

Yeah funnily enough I'm not getting hungry, which is good. I couldn't do this forever though. It's meant to be a short term thing, then you go back to your healthy eating and exercise. Sounds drastic but I'm sick of the wobblies. :P

9:52 pm  

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