Saturday, October 22, 2005

Morning is breaking...

5:50 AM.

The slightly bleary morning peace is shattered by the sounds of a computer monitor ending its life against damp asphalt.

Closely followed by a computer, an ergonomic chair in two pieces, and an expanding file - its contents disgorging themselves on the way down.

Half an hour, a call to the cops, a guitar, some balcony furniture, some nasty thumping, sickening crunching sounds, and four burly policemen later, our presumably psychotic and un-medicated next-door neighbour was bundled into the back of a paddywagon and driven away.

What made the whole episode more bizarre is that we couldn't see what was happening. There'd just be a bump (our flat and their flat shares a wall) or a shout and Whee! something else would come flying out from the direction of next-door's balcony and crash onto the driveway below.

Here's a couple of photos of the resulting debris.

The view from our lounge window

See the trashed monitor near the back of the white car?

The view from our own balcony

You can just see the back of the guitar lying flat on the grass, just behind the neck. I think that was the thing that affected me the most - we often used to hear someone next door practising guitar. I find it really disturbing when people destroy their own things, especially when they are things they loved.

He was something of a machine though, to be able to hurl those heavier items out that far. Next-door's flat sits a few meters further back from the driveway than ours does. If it wasn't so sad it'd be impressive.

This man and his wife(?) - who we assume was cowering in fear throughout this incident - were the quietest, most unassuming neighbours you could ask for (unlike our previous noise-Nazis, the infamous Bert and Betty). Evidently it's the quiet ones you have to look out for.

Anyway. We're going back to bed.

1 x 2c:

Anonymous Anonymous babbled...

Look dont blame him, when u cant log into msn to read that all important viagra spam, the monitor gets it first!

10:51 am  

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