Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Your application for Annual Leave has been approved for 23 Dec 2005 to 03 Jan 2006.

It's a cause for jubilation and dancing in the streets.

No waiting in fear for the December roster to be released, to find I'm working from 12 - 8.30 on Christmas Day and again on Boxing Day. No pathetic pleading e-mails to those not rostered on, begging for a shift swap. No stressing about having to make a lightning drive 2 hours north to see our respective families and be back again in a day.

I love Christmas. *blush* I love all the hideously unhealthy food and Christmas night cocktails and hanging out with family and various friends that often drop in, gravitating to my Mum's ample and delicious leftovers. I hate the idea of having to rush it.

Ahhh. I'll even have time for Christmas shopping. *puts feet up*

And to cap it all off, I get New Years Eve and New Years Day off. And two days after that! Trashbags ahoy.