Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"I want the Australian Embassy! In Canberra!"

Baffling DA call #476

Was this woman drunk? On drugs? Or just inconceivably stupid?
HELLO... since when did a country have an embassy... in its own capital city??


After trying - unsuccessfully - to explain that Australia doesn't have an Embassy in Canberra, only in foreign countries, she angrily went on to request to speak to The Government. Specifically, the highest ranking government official I could find. Well gee. At 11.30 at night I think we'd be having trouble. Perhaps the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet? Yes OK. I'll put you through to the switchboard, I say. NO! Not the switchboard! I want the Prime Minister! I'm sorry Ma'am (snigger) but I doubt that he answers his own phone calls, and doubt even more that he'd be in his office at this time of night.

Then there were arguments about how she shouldn't have to pay for this call to 123 because I couldn't get her this number that doesn't exist... and then strangely, the call dropped out... awww.

What would she want to say to the Prime Minister at 11.30 at night anyway, for Pete's sake? Well yeah, I can think of a few things, involving the words "Machiavellian", "Industrial" and "Reforms"... but that's for another time.